Personal Chef
I've been working as a personal chef for over 6 years in different parts of the world. I believe that cooking doesn't just stop at a single genre, but can be learned, and expanded on. This is why I chose to be a personal chef. Its awarded me the time and practice of experimenting with different cuisines, as well as the unique tastes of the people I've cooked for. A personal chef provides a more intimate experience, giving the client a one-on-one approach to food, and discovering what works best with their needs. The most invaluable experiences are always the ones that explore a variety of different tastes, as well as being interactive & exciting. Each instance is a unique one, and I'd love to be able to welcome you to a wonderful culinary experience.
Chicken, pea & mint sorghum, avocado
Marie Antoinette macarons
Culinary Education
I love teaching, fact. Theres a Japanese concept called 'Ikigai' (pronounced ee-kee-guy), which means a search for self purpose; the kind of purpose that gets you up in the morning saying, 'THIS is what I'm meant to do everyday.' Not to get too philosophical, but I really believe this is what makes education and cooking so important. I call it Culinary Education because I think my style of teaching is more than just taking a 'cooking class.' It's an interactive, very through education that will leave you a master in your own kitchen. There are so many tips & tricks of the culinary trade I can teach you. Whether it be in a group or an individual lesson, I want you to learn, and feel inspired enough to take my teaching and run with it. I do believe cooking is also about the individual, so lets sit and find out what you like to cook, and get you rolling... Check out some sample classes.
Wellness & Food Science
Healthy cooking is just a part of life for me. Over the past couple years I've taken an active interest in alternative cooking styles (vegan, paleo, etc.) and worked it into my weekly routine. It's amazing how you can alter the nature of a vegetable into something that not only tastes amazing, but will be the star of the show when you don't want to use meat. It's a total biology lesson, and the more you take awareness, the more understanding you'll have for the food you eat, as well as what it does to your body. The health benefits to cleaner eating are staggering. I'm not going to spend too much time preaching here, but once I get started I may not stop, so I'm always happy to talk endlessly about health and wellness. I've seen the results first-hand. I would love to get you on a proactive eating and wellness routine that will always leave you satiated.
Local Sea Bass, roasted garlic & tomatoes, Swiss chard